Friday, July 22, 2016

MORNING SUN RAYS SHINING DOWN.  This was our view on our way back home after a good run this morning.  Talk about beautiful!  The sun rays were coming through the trees - just couldn't keep going without taking a picture.  "The road less traveled".  :)  The quote I love is "Sometimes the road to success is not a road at all."  Tonga has been an amazing time with the family to serve and play.  We know that it has been a choice opportunity that is made possible by our friends and family (that includes everyone at our practice - team and patients).  So, we want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Today was Emaline's last day with us before she heads to BYU-HAWAII.  So, after work today, we had a potluck to wish her good luck.  All these young girls that you see with Elder and Sister Johns and FUSI are all volunteers that help out at the clinic.  They give of their time and help serve the patients. Some of them are interested in pursuing Dentistry which would be awesome!  Most of them are return missionaries and ready for the next chapter of their lives.  We wanted to share this picture of these people because they are the ones that we have the opportunity and privilege to work with every day.  Each one have incredible stories and are so amazing to share their time and talents!

The kids checking each other out at the Dental Clinic after hours.  Being goofs.

Makayla teaching Ella a thing or two about oral health.  Never too early to start.  :)

Maddi being weird.  :)  She and Makayla love taking pictures of each other pulling faces.  She doesn't know I'm putting this on here.  She'll find out later.  We'll see if she approves.

The moon tonight was a full moon and it was amazing!  This picture doesn't do it justice, but I had to share.  The moon just came out of the trees and the shadowing in the palm trees was incredible.

Tonight, we had a Ward dance mainly for the Dorm Kids that live here at Liahona, but the families got to participate as well.  Ella is having a blast with her little friends.

Braden did a Polynesian Dance with his friends for everyone.  He did a great job!  He is so different from the rest of the Barfi clan.  He is not afraid to try and do new things.  He was invited to be a part of this group to do a show and he went for it.  We are glad he gets out and learns new things.

One of our friends (Dorothy Tonga) asked Braden to dance with her.  Braden's first dance.  :)

Logan was having a good time dancing with all the LADIES too (wink, wink).  

Quite the group of Dorm Boys and Girls having a good time with the dance.  They really know how to have a good time.  It's interesting to see the differences from American church dances and Tongan church dances.  There is still some of the awkwardness that you see with some of the youth.  Heidi and I got up and danced a part of the time, but the rest, we sat back and enjoyed the show.  The young men go around trying to show off and the girls chatting with each other and not paying attention.  Some things don't change even though your on the other side of the world.  Some things are universal.  :)  The dance went from about 8:30 to 11:00.  The kids were tired, but had a great time!

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