Monday, July 4, 2016

Today was a holiday in Tonga because it is the King's Birthday.  What better thing to do on the King's Birthday and the 4th of July than have Braden's Baptism.  He was super excited for this day!  Below are all the pictures of his special day here in Tonga.

Braden is standing in front of the Tongan LDS temple that is located right next door to where we are living.  Someday, he will be able to go inside.  Today, he received the 1st ordinance that he needs to be able to return to Heavenly Father - Baptism.  We're so happy and grateful for his decision and for the great son he is.  Today was a great day for him and the family!

Early this morning, we went out to "scout out" a good spot for the baptism and found this area.  Right as we were hiking along the beach, there was this beautiful rainbow that was in the sky.  It was like Heavenly Father said, "this is the spot."  How special for Braden.

We had a lot of friends that were there for his Baptism.  These guys have already become like family. We were just going to have our family do it, but there were several families that wanted to be there and be a part of it.  Brother and Sister Johns gave talks on Baptism and the Gift of the Holy Ghost.  Each of the older three kids (Logan, Makayla, and Maddison) played their violins for the musical numbers.  Heidi and I both said a few words.  AND, of course the ordinance of Baptism and the Confirmation was the highlight of the program.

Braden and I right before he was baptized.  What an amazing setting!  Right when we got there, there were several other Tongan families on the beach, people cooking some food, and loud music.  As soon as we started the program, it was like everything just disappeared and we were alone.  In fact, there were several people (strangers) that came over to join us and see what we were doing.  It was a great missionary moment to see other people not of our faith take interest in what we were doing and want to be a part of it.  Especially, when we started singing some songs, it seems like they were just drawn over to us.  We had several little miracles happen for the program.  One miracle was that it was supposed to rain today.  We had some light rain, but the sun came out and it turned out to be a beautiful day.  The sun was SO bright right after Braden was confirmed and given the gift of the Holy Ghost.   Another small miracle was that there were some kids that were playing in the place that we were going to baptize Braden, but right before the ordinance was performed, they just quietly left.  We had trouble finding some baptism clothes for Braden, and Heidi happened to run into the Temple President's wife and she was able to loan Braden some Baptism clothes.  It was just one of the most spiritual Baptisms that we've ever been a part of.  The love that the Tongan people have is so amazing!  They embraced Braden like he was family.  What a wonderful, incredible group of people.

This is right before we baptized Braden.  We didn't take a picture of the actual ordinance because it is a sacred ordinance, but we did get before and after photos.  The top one is before, and the bottom one is after.  Braden was tearing up after he was done.  We all felt the spirit very strong. 

I didn't know Heidi was taking these pictures, but I'm sure glad she was able to capture these.  It was a very special moment to be a part of this great day with Braden.  One to always be remembered!

One of our favorites.  This is where Braden looks right at me, and we both perfectly understood what each other was thinking.  Nothing had to be said, the feeling was so strong.  The feeling of LOVE, the SPIRIT, and being CLEAN.  Braden may be only 8 years old, but his spirit today grew tremendously. I know that as long as he continues down the path of righteousness, he will be able to be an influence for good, and be able to serve and help so many people.  

Right after the Baptism.  Walking out of the waters of Tonga.  

This is a picture right before we performed the Confirmation and giving the Gift of the Holy Ghost.  For our friends that are not LDS, this is called "laying on of hands to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost".  We laid our hands on Braden's head, confirmed him a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and we gave him the Gift of the Holy Ghost.  It's what happens right after Baptism.  We believe that the Gift of the Holy Ghost is the 3rd member of the Godhead (along with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ) and the Holy Ghost helps to guide us, protect us, and comforts us.  It's a gift that I know is real and helps us to make correct choices, protects us, and definitely comforts us when we are in need of comfort.  I'm excited for Braden to have this gift and to use it throughout his life as he follows Jesus Christ and helps other people around him.  What a great gift!

Braden is bearing his testimony after the Baptism and Confirmation.

These are pictures taken of the group as we were finishing up the program.  What a great group of people.  We definitely missed our extended family and friends, but it was a blessing to have so many people want to be with us and share in this memory.  These people are like family and we love them and the people of Tonga!  What an experience today has been.  Our hearts are full and the spirit has been felt so strong.  We came home and all wrote in our journals of our experience.  When they call this the "Other Side of Heaven", we now know why.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ is so amazing!

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