Saturday, July 23, 2016

This is a Dental Practice that is just starting up on the island.  It's a Dentist that has been into our clinic several times and we have donated some things to help them out.  There is a lady that is a practicing Dentist on another island and she is starting this clinic in town.  We think it's a great thing and very much needed.  We think it's amazing that this lady is being an entrepreneur and trying to help people out.  The next couple of pictures is of a Dental technician and the front desk (the Dentist's Mother).  Dr. Johns has been trying to help this Dentist as much as he can.  This is really the only private Dentist office on the island.  The other options are the government clinic (hospital) or our clinic (Liahona).  Most Tongans do not want to go to the hospital unless they have to.  

This is a one chair facility.  There is a generator in the corner that is going while the Dentist is trying to work on patients.  Talk about loud!  Very simple, but it works.  The Tongan people make due.

The lab technician working on a denture.  She was very sweet and happy to have a job helping out.

This is the Dentist's Mom that is working at the front desk.  They have been open for 2 weeks now.  I think it's a great thing that they are helping the Tongan people and also providing jobs for a few people.  One thing I learned the other day is that most Tongan families are only earning about $20/day.  There are a lot of families that are doing OK, but there are a lot that are living in poverty.  When a new business opens like this, it's a big deal.  We are proud of her for doing this.

This afternoon, we went on a picnic with the Senior missionaries.  We were celebrating Pioneer Day which is July 24th.  We went to the beach, had some fun, and shared pioneer stories about our ancestors.  While one of the Elders was telling everyone about his ancestor, we saw a huge whale out in the ocean rise out of the water and make a huge splash.  It was an awesome sight and one that doesn't happen very often.  We saw the whales several times.  These were humpback whales.  I tried to capture it on the camera the best I could.  We saw them playing in the water for a good 20 minutes or so.  This time of year, the whales are pretty active.  Tonga is one of the only places that people can go swim with the whales.  Tonga and the Dominican Republic are the only two places.  

Cute girls on the beach!  Ella loves the water and the sand!  She would stay there all day if she could.

See the splash out in the ocean.  That's the humpback whale.  They were super close and it was amazing to watch them playing in the ocean.  Rare opportunity to see them.  

Braden chilling on the coral.  

Some of the Senior missionaries chilling and enjoying the day.  This is right after we had lunch.

Braden and Ella building the masterpiece sandcastle.  

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