Saturday, July 23, 2016

SABBATH DAY - A DAY OF REST.  Today has been a great day!  On Sundays, we go to church and chill for the rest of the day.  So, we are going to have the kids write on the blog about some happenings, feelings, and thoughts.

Logan - Hi. I Love Tonga! I feel so blessed and fortunate to be a part of this amazing experience! This summer is one to never forget. Everything this summer has worked out so well. I have enjoyed helping out in the clinic sterilizing, assisting, taking x-rays, and other things. I find everything we are doing very interesting. I enjoy helping others not only fixing their teeth, but teaching them how to do so themselves. The people here have amazing smiles (most of them), they are always happy and smiling. They don't have the luxeries we American's have. They are so humble. It is so different from what we are used to. Even driving on the left side of the road! This summer has been so fun and I have grown so much. I almost don't want to leave! I will never forget this!

Makayla- Hello everyone! Dad actually let me write on the blog! Tonga is amazing! We have met so many friends here, and it kinda feels like home now. We call our apartment home, and I am finally getting everyone's Tongan names down! The clinic is a very fun experience and it's cool to work in. I love serving the people here, and helping them improve their beautiful smiles! Assisting dad is fun, I assisted my first root canal last week and the fillings are pretty fun. The Tongan's taught me how to be humble/ selfless and to be friendly. Every time we go for a run in the mornings, people wave from the cars and say hi when we are just walking down the sidewalk. I've never been to a youth dance because I'm not 14 yet, but I was able to go to a dance a few nights ago. It was amazing! We  also saw some whales!  Just like Logan, it's going to be so hard to leave! We have made so many great memories!

Maddison - Hi everyone! Tonga is AMAZING!! everyone is so nice and friendly!! I have met many friends and have loved meeting new people! Working in the clinic is awesome! I love assisting! We have been able to do many things in the clinic and I have learned so many new things. I am so grateful to be here in tonga! The beaches and snorkeling here are awesome! When we went to the island of Eua.  It was awesome working in the schools and showing them how to take care of their teeth. The sights in Eua were really cool!I am so glad to be here in tonga and make so many memories!! I love you all!! I will never forget this wonderful expirience!!

Braden - Hi guys, this is Braden.  Tonga is awesome so far.  There are so many friends here and they are really nice.  I've been working in the sterilization room in the Dental clinic.  I learned a Hawaiin hoola dance and we did it in front of people last Friday.  It's a really great opportunity to be here in Tonga.

Ella - I loooooovvvveeeee youuuu.  I looooovvvvveeee Tooonnggaaa (high pitched voice - her princess voice).  I want to go home, but I want to stay here too.  I want to give my friends at home a necklace from Tonga.  Maybe a necklace that is too big for me.  I have had fun with my friends in Tonga. ........  (I asked, is there anything else Ella)  She said,  "Is it OK if I go to the bathroom??"  And she's gone.  That's more than I expected.  HA!  Little 4 year olds are great!

Some thoughts and notes from today at church --

Sacrament - There was a Sister that shared a story about the tidal wave that hit Hawaii.  There was a husband, wife, and baby who ran up to a hill so they were safe.  There were two other children who were playing and saw the tidal wave coming.  They held tight to a tree as the wave washed over them.  The question was asked, "Where are we when the tidal wave comes?"  Are we seeking safety at the top of a hill?  Are our children standing strong or being swept out to the sea?  I thought that was a great analogy.  Today was Ward Conference and it was amazing!  It was a huge spiritual boost.

Sunday School - We go to the temple to make covenants and then go home to keep them.  The story was shared when President Uchtdorf came to Tonga.  When they were flying into the airport, they were not sure which way to come.  They saw the Young Women Value Flags flying and President Uchtdorf said turn towards the Young Woman Value Flags.  They reached their destination and were in the right place at the right time.  The teacher said, "Our direction is more important than our current position."  The other quote that I loved from the teacher today was, "Our neighbors are our families.  our spouses, children, fathers, and mothers."  You know how the Bible teaches to love your neighbor.  Well, something we don't think about a lot of times is that our neighbor that is closes to us is our families.  Sometimes, we treat our friends better than our own family.  We need to love the ones closest to us and treat them the best.  We've realized that and come to practice that a lot more being here in Tonga.  It's been a great blessing for our family.
     The teacher shared the talk from Elder Nelson last Conference (Priesthood Session).  He said, "Are you willing to follow President Thomas S. Monson's example of serving others?  For decades he has taken the long way home, following promptings of the Spirit to arrive on someone's doorstep and then hear words such as, "How did you know it was the anniversary of our daughter's death?" or "How did you know it was my birthday?"  And if you truly want more priesthood power, you will cherish and care for your wife, embracing both her AND her counsel.
     I've noticed in my life that when you're doing the things to keep God's spirit with you, you do receive counsel from the Spirit and he directs you where you need to go and what you need to do.  You can become an instrument in his hands, you just have to obey and to LISTEN.  That's sometimes the hard part.  I love the last part of that quote that says to embrace your wife and embrace her counsel.  I know that I can do better at times with that.  I will work harder on that!

     If you have Heavenly Father as your Partner in Life, Obey and Listen, he will guide you to where he wants you to go.

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