Friday, July 8, 2016

TGIF!  IT'S FRIDAY!  6 MILE RUN TO THE BLOW HOLES.  This picture is Makayla at the "Blow holes" (South Coast of Tonga).  We went for a 6 mile run this morning and she did awesome!  This was early this morning as the sun was coming up.  We got home a little late and had 5 minutes to get ready for work.  The kids have been getting up most mornings and running with us.

Today, we worked until about 2:00 and then celebrated Dr. John's Birthday, and played some soccer and some football.  Today, we mostly did extractions and fillings.  .......   We love having so much time to spend together as a family after the work day.  We are busy with serving in the clinic during the day, but after work, we have until about 6:00 to 10:00 with the family.  Back home, we have all the other things (music lessons, sports, church callings, and all the other activities).  Here, there are no commitments.  It's nice to just focus on the serving as a family and playing together as a family.  Good times with the family!

Heidi and Logan working on cleaning and sterilizing instruments.  They are learning a lot about Dentistry and what it takes to help the patients in the clinic.  They have been so awesome and have had such great attitudes with everything that we've done.  They are amazing!

Celebrating Elder John's Birthday.  We had some great cake and ice cream to celebrate.

Tonight, I cooked up some fresh Tuna and mashed potatoes for the family.  The tuna was really good.   Somehow, it's different when it's the fresh catch of the day.  Yummy!

Night shot of the sun just disappearing out of our backyard.  

Tonight was "movie night" with all the senior couple missionaries.  The movie tonight was "The Amazing Race".  It's an old classic, but a great one!  The kids loved it.  Everyone brings treats, and we enjoy our indoor movie!

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