Wednesday, July 6, 2016

GOOD MORNING TONGA!  Another beautiful morning!  We went outside to exercise this morning and this is what we saw.  What a great way to wake up.  It's about 65-70 degrees in the morning.  Perfect for a good run!  The kids are pretty good sports to get up and go with us in the morning.  Tonga has the most amazing sunrises!  Everything starts waking up right at s sunrise.



This patient was a sweet lady!  She was eating some meat and hit a bone.  She didn't say what kind of meat, but here is something interesting about Tongans - they eat dog and horse.  None of us have had a chance to eat dog, but I'm not sure we would.  We saw some people that we knew the other day, and they said that they eat dog all the time.  Very interesting!  This woman might have been having some delicious "dog", who knows.  She was very excited that we could fix her front teeth.  I told her, "no more chewing on bones."  :)   She said she would be careful, but if "dog" is all you have, then..... 

The rest of the day was spent doing lots of extractions on both adults and kids.  I had a child today that was about 6 years old that had an abcessed tooth on the lower left side and her face was swollen out like a balloon.  I had to take out all of her lower left teeth because they were so decayed.  She was so brave and just let me do what we needed to do.  We were all amazed!  Makayla made bracelets for when we see kids.  She got 2 bracelets for being so brave.  What an amazing little girl.  
The Dad said she has been crying every night for the last few weeks.  Tonga needs a good Pediatric Dentist here full time to take care of the all the kids needs.  

The kids busy and enjoying the time serving.  There are times that they get tired.  Logan assisted this morning and did an amazing job.  He was on top of everything.  Around 1:00, I asked him what was going on because it was like he hit a brick wall.  He said, "I'm tired and I need something to eat."  I didn't realize what time it was.  We usually work until about 1:30 or 2:00, take a lunch break for 30 minutes, and then we change kids and work until about 6:00.  We then have dinner and play games the rest of the night BECAUSE we don't have any other obligations.  That part has been nice to just focus on the family at night after work.  We have a ton of fun with all the Tongan kids.

This is some of our Tongan friends and our family playing "Annie-I-Over" over this cement wall.  The other kids have never played it and they loved it!  A lot of fun tonight!
Right next to us is the tennis courts.  The Royal Prince was playing tennis with some friends  right next to us.  He is actually a member of the LDS church here in Tonga.  I think he is 3rd in line for the throne.  He has been a great influence with the Tongan people.  He has been among the people (the commoners).  Most royalty don't do that.  He's been good for the people of Tonga.

Braden is our official "exterminator" for our apartments.  He squishes all the spiders, cockroaches, ants, lizards, centipedes, etc. with whatever shoe he can find.  He's getting to be quite the expert.

Ella takes a bath in the sink since there is no bath.  We have just showers.  Good thing Ella is so small.  The water here is so calcified that it plugs up the shower heads.  Sometimes, you only have a little "trickle".  We have to soak the shower heads in Vinegar to dissolve some of the hard water.  

Another happy day in the Kingdom of Tonga!

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