Sunday, June 26, 2016

WE LOVE SUNDAYS!  Today was church and it was a great day!  This picture is us after church before we all got dressed into our comfortable clothes.  We are in front of our kids apartment.  The flowers were given to us from a Sister in the Ward that brings flowers every week for decoration.  She picks out the flowers from her back yard and does floral arrangements.  Every week is different.  She's amazing!  The talks, testimonies, and lessons were really great.  Not too much different than back home.  Braden and Ella have adjusted well in their primary classes.  
Heidi and I talked with the Bishop of the Ward and asked if Braden can be baptized in the ocean here in Tonga and he told us yes and there is a beach that would be perfect called the "Good Samaritan Beach" where we could have the ordinance done.  What a cool name and cool place to be baptized!  We are thinking of doing it in the next couple of weeks.  Of course, you all are invited to come.  :)

This is a map of Tonga.  It is about 22 miles long and 12 miles wide.  Braden said it looked like an elf's shoe.  He has a creative mind, but I think he's right (heel on the right and toe on the left).  We are on the Liahona campus which is directly below the "a" in Tongatapu on the sheet.  It's about in the middle of that section of island.  It's one of the highest points on the island.  Most of the island is farmland and is thick with trees, shrubs, and crops.  I thought you might like to see the map of the island that we're staying at.  It's not very big.  

One of our activities for Sunday was drawing these teeth on these T-shirts.  We are going to do some school educational programs this Thursday with some of the Tongan kids.  Dr. Johns asked us if we had any ideas and I told him about what we do in February for hygiene month.  We go to the schools, dress up the kids in tooth costumes and do some education about diet, oral hygiene, and how to be healthy.  We pretend the kids are teeth, use a giant toothbrush, floss, and demonstrate how to have proper oral hygiene.  They asked us to do the same thing with the Tongan kids.  Hopefully, it will help make a difference for these kids.  They are in huge need of oral hygiene instruction and diet instruction.  The introduction of sugar has really caused a lot of destruction to their teeth.  SO, the kids helped draw these teeth on these t-shirts to help with the program.  Great Sunday activity!

Crazy kids!  "Strike a pose"

Later tonight, we had a special dinner with a lot of senior missionaries and the Mission President and his wife and kids (President and Sister Tupo).  They are finishing up their mission and the new Mission President is coming this week.  This is a picture of them singing some songs.  They are a gifted musical family.  They are from Alaska.  Their two sons (Jesse-14 & Thomas-12) have befriended Logan and taught him some things about the Tongan culture and making him feel comfortable here.  They are a great family!

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