Wednesday, June 8, 2016


- This value means greatness of spirit in facing danger or difficulty.  Courage suggests strength in overcoming fear and carrying on against adversity or difficulties.
     There are multiple experiences that demonstrate courage.  Usually, it is someone that overcomes the odds or doing something without knowing what the outcome is going to be.  When I think of courage, I think of doing the right thing no matter what.  Another word for that is integrity.  It is doing the right thing even when no one is watching.  It takes courage to stand up for what you believe in.  Sometimes, the world around you is doing one thing or believes one thing, and it's hard not to do the same as everyone else.  In this world of shifting values, it takes courage to stand alone and do the right thing.  
     Another example of courage is doing something that makes an impact without knowing the outcome.  When I think of our kids accepting their Dad's crazy idea of going to Tonga to serve a Dental mission, I think of courage.  They are very excited for this adventure.  I'm not sure anyone of us understands the impact that the Tongan people are going to have on us and the experience we have being there.  I very much appreciate Heidi and the kids having the courage to go and serve and forget themselves and think of others.  There will be some bumps in the road, and there will be some struggles, but I know that having courage will help each of us overcome any hurdles that might come our way.
     I feel that the Tongan people have great courage to overcome the obstacles that they have.  They don't have a whole lot as far as monetary means, but they have everything when it comes to family and happiness.  This is where I want to put my focus when we are with the Tongan people.  Sometimes, when we have very little, that is when we are the happiest.  It takes courage to keep going when you don't know when your next meal is, or if you can provide for your family, or a storm wipes out your livelihood.  When we are among the people of Tonga, I will be looking for those people that practice the value of "Courage", and try to teach that to our children.

Personal Story - 
      In our Dental Practice, we have several patients that are considered "Refugees".  A refugee is someone that has to leave their home because of persecution, war, or some natural disaster.  Some of those patients (friends) have been through a lot and it has taken great courage to leave their home in search of a better life.  A couple weeks ago, we had a patient tell us about her story of being a refugee.  She had to leave her home because of war and escape to Moscow Russia.  She lived in Moscow for about 8 years before they were allowed to come to the United States of America.  While her and her family were escaping their war torn country, they had to hide in the benches of the train for fear that they would be caught.  Can you imagine leaving your home, hiding in tight spaces, and having fear that you could lose your life at any moment?  When she arrived in the United States, she was a young teenager and didn't know English and was in a foreign place (Twin Falls of all places).  It took a while to have some friends encircle her, support her, and help her learn the language, the culture, and how to live in America.  I don't know the whole story, but I do know that it took great courage to fight for what they wanted and to make a better life for themselves and their family.  This woman now lives in Twin Falls and serves all the people around her and helps to make a difference.  
     I feel that all of us have to overcome things in our lives by having courage.  For some, it may be small.  Others, they have larger things that they have to overcome.  The point is, when life gives you hurdles, have the courage to jump over them, learn from them, and then help others to do the same.

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