Friday, June 10, 2016


     The value of Freedom is a huge blessing to my family and I.  Sometimes, we take it for granted because it is a value that we had when we were born and it is a value that we continue to have.  We've never gone without it.  At times, it's hard to value something as much if you've never lost it or fought for it.  I feel that is how the younger generation feels and acts.  I feel that the younger generation says that they have so many rules and restrictions and they try to push their limits.  Rules, laws, commandments actually help us actually achieve freedom.  It's through being obedient to the laws and commandments that allow us to have more freedom.  If we don't obey the laws of the land, we become subject to the consequences of our behavior.  I wish more people understood that.  
     There have been several people sacrifice for the sake of freedom.  They fully understand and realize what freedom means.  Freedom is a gift, and those of us who enjoy it must protect it.    It gives us certain rights to live as we choose.  These certain rights are blessings and allow us to grow and develop as good people.  Some of those rights are:
1.  Freedom to choose any religion we choose.
2.  Freedom of women to vote, drive, and work.
3.  Freedom to choose who we marry.
4.  Freedom to decide what to wear, read, and think.
5.  Freedom to protest decisions we think are unjust.
The Bill of Rights which has the first ten amendments to the Constitution says that there is freedom of speech, press, religion, petition, and assembly, as well as protection against cruel and unusual punishment, unreasonable search and seizure, and other due process rights.
The Founding Fathers approached the task of guaranteeing liberty by limiting government.  They learned a few things from the British.  That was one of them.  I feel that the founding fathers were inspired and had divine intervention to help them establish an amazing country.  
     I want to take a moment and thank the men and women who serve our country and pay the price of freedom.  These men and women of the armed forces are amazing and I give my gratitude and praise to them.  It is because of them that we have the rights and privileges that we do.
     In Tonga, the people are ruled by a King (Monarchy).  Their rights and freedoms are different than ours.   There are a number of issues concerning protection of civil and political rights particularly freedom of expression, and rights to political participation.  Tongans have some of the same rights that we have, but not to the same level.  Part of it is due to the government being controlled by the nobility of the Tongan people.  For example, they have the freedom of expression, but its not always protected in practice.  Women's rights are not equal to the men of Tonga.  Women are unable to own land like the men.  This is a significant barrier to the economic empowerment of the women in Tonga.      It will be interesting to see the differences that they have compared to America.  
     We are truly blessed to live in the USA where we can enjoy so many Freedoms.
     Let Freedom Ring!

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