Friday, June 10, 2016


CREATIVITY - This value is something new and somehow valuable that is formed.  It can either be intangible such as an idea, a scientific theory, or a musical composition.  Or, it can tangible such as an invention, a literary work, or painting.
     Some of the most impressive innovations throughout history have come from creative minds.  Some of these amazing creative minds have been criticized, mocked at, or have been considered crazy.  It's not until later that their ideas or their creativity have become incredible advances for mankind.  It takes one idea, or a little bit different thinking to help make a difference for the whole world.  I feel that some people have great ideas, but don't turn those ideas into action.  The missing link for a lot of people is "Action".  That can be one of the most difficult tasks.  I often ask myself, "why don't some people turn their ideas or their creativity into something great?"  I think the reason falls into several categories, but one huge factor is "FEAR".  One thing that we must look past is the feeling of fear or failure.  If we have passion about something and have a creative mind, we can use that value to benefit the people around us.  
     One example of a creative mind that helped make a difference was Thomas Edison.  He was an inventor and a businessman.  He developed many devices that influenced life around the world.  He invented many things, including the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and the long-lasting, electric light bulb.  Here are some quotes that I love from Thomas Edison:
- "I never perfected an invention that I did not think about in terms of the service it might give others.....I find out what the world needs, then I proceed to invent."
- "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."
- "Results?  Why, man, I have gotten lots of results!  If I find 10,000 ways something won't work, I                  haven't failed.  I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is often a step forward."
     It doesn't need to be huge like Thomas Edison's inventions were, it can be small and still make a huge difference for people.  When I think of creative people who have made a difference in society, I think of teachers (in school, music, church, etc.), coaches, advisors, and especially one's own parents and family.
Story - I heard a story one time about a truck driver that was driving along a highway one day and was going under an overpass and his truck got stuck.  The overpass was not high enough and his trailer wouldn't budge.  After a while, they had all sorts professionals (police, architects, engineers) trying to figure out exactly what to do.  They couldn't come together on a solution that was reasonable.  On the sidelines, a little boy who had a creative mind told one of the adults there a simple solution.  The boy said, "why don't you just let out the air in the tires?"  Letting the air out of the tires allowed enough clearance to allow the semi-truck to pass under the overpass.  The engineers and the architects were amazed and embarrassed with this idea.  IT WORKED.
      The lesson is this - When you have an idea that could make a difference for someone, allow your creativity to turn into action.  Then get off your "rump" and go to work and make a difference.

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