Wednesday, June 22, 2016

 Today was a HOLIDAY!  That means we had to close the clinic and couldn't work.  Sooooo, we went for a run this morning with our two girls (Makayla and Maddison).  While we went for a run, we saw the Tonga LDS temple and it looked amazing with the clouds, so I took this picture of it.  After the run, we went shopping for all our food for our family and then we went sight seeing.  While we are shopping, Logan and Makayla went to a dance rehearsal that they are going to be a part of for the 100th Anniversary for the Tongan mission.  It's a really big deal here in Tonga.   
We met back up with Logan and Makayla and went to the beach to do some sight seeing.  The tide is too low right now to do any snorkeling, so we waded around in the tide pools, and enjoyed the views.

This is the beach that we hung out at for a few hours.  There are pools that are created right at the coral cliffs.  Logan and I went to the top of those to see how they were.  When the waves come crashing in, the waves crash on top of those wave pools with a lot of force.  Logan and I almost got knocked over, but we held on to the coral.  Talk about fascinating!  Beautiful area!

The kids found all sorts of really cool sea shells on the beach.  Maddison found quite a few that were purple.  She was SO excited because her favorite color is purple.  There really are a lot of colorful sea shells and fish that are in/around all the coral reefs.  All the kids had a lot of fun today.  Back to work tomorrow.

Picture of the family, but Logan is looking at the big waves from the ocean that are crashing against all the coral reefs.  

One of our favorite pictures!  All the kids silhouettes on top of some of the coral.  They are pretty good "posers".  :)

We had dinner (fish and chips - The catch of the day was tuna), went home, and played some games around the table, and are now going to bed.  Good night!  Have a wonderful day!

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