Wednesday, June 15, 2016


FIJI - We stayed overnight in Fiji and are waiting for our flight to go to Tonga.  We are learning a few things about "island life".  Things like - things are nothing like America.  Lots of things are different. Things are so much slower paced than in the states.  We got off the airplane yesterday and waited for about 40 minutes for our luggage to find out that it has not arrived.  We're not sure if our luggage has made it or will make it, but that is OK.  Our kids are in good spirits, we have the clothes on our backs (maybe it will be the same clothes we return in in a couple of months), and we have smiles on our faces.  :)  That's one thing that is awesome about these people.  Here in Fiji, everyone is smiling all the time.  Wherever we go, the Fiji people say, "Bula" which means hello and they have these huge grins.  We got checked into the hotel, slept well, and have been hanging out this morning.  Without having our luggage, we have had to make due with what we've had.
     Last night at dinner, we met the Mission President and his wife for the Fiji islands.  It seems that wherever we go, we run into the LDS senior missionaries.  We talked with them for a little while and they shared some things with us that they've enjoyed.  Their names are President and Sister Layton and they are from Utah.  We also met a kind man from Australia named Josh that told us a lot about his travels.  His advice was, "get to know the Chiefs of the tribes, and do what the local people do."  He told us that we'll have to get some "lavalavas" which are the skirts that the women and men wear. He said the quicker you can learn some of the language, the better as well.  They warm up to you faster.   He also told us that mosquitos like white skin better than brown skin, so watch out.
     The kids are enjoying some of the foods of the locals.  We had mango and papaya for breakfast, and the kids tried a little "vegemite" on their toast.  They didn't take too much to it, but at least they tried it.  The weather here in Fiji is beautiful.  It's pretty humid and is about 75 degrees.  We fly out early this afternoon to Tonga and will get situated once we are there. 

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