Tuesday, August 2, 2016

WE HAVE OUR ULTRASONIC WORKING!!!!!  Finally, we got our ultrasonic scaler (equipment that really helps us to do cleanings for patients) working again.  It broke before we got here and finally, we were able to "jimmy-rig" it to be able to provide "scaling and root planing" for patients.  There are so many Tongans that have Periodontal disease, and this piece of equipment is vital.  The picture up above is two volunteers that are helping us with the cleanings.  Their names are Leanna and Sita.  They were trained to do some of the work that hygienists do, but because this is Tonga, there are no regulations, and they can do what we have trained them to do.  It's nice to have their help.  They volunteer their time.  They help assist, take x-rays, and help with cleanings. 

"Dental nerd moment" - I wish I could stay here another 6 months and just do Perio treatment.  I think that the Kingdom of Tonga is a Hygienist's or a Periodontist's dream.  You could do so much good here just by treating Perio.  You could literally save thousands of teeth and help with the Tongan's oral and systemic health.  You really don't see a lot of old people here in Tonga.  One of the reasons is the poverty, but also the ability to receive Medical and Dental Treatment.  They are in a huge need here.

Maddison was assisting today this afternoon, and she did amazing!  Heidi helped assist in the morning until about 1:00, and Maddison assisted until 7:00.  We were BUSY today!  The next patient was from the island of Eua and she came just to get her teeth fixed.  We scheduled about 3.5 hours to get her taken care of.  We had to do some root canals and a ton of fillings, but Maddison was a champ and helped get her taken care of.  We helped change a smile which can change a life.  She was very grateful and excited we were able to help her.  The biggest WIN with this patient is that she said that she is now bruising her little 2 year old's teeth and teaching her to eat the right things.  If she raises her kids to have good oral hygiene and have a good diet, then this whole trip was worth it.  We are trying to change kid's lives by educating the parents.  Little changes equal big changes in the long run.  We are hoping it goes on for generations.  Education is THE key for this island and it's people.

Patient of the Day.  She was so patient with us.  The procedure took about 3.5 hours.  We did Root canals and a ton of fillings.  Normally, we would have done crowns because they would have lasted longer.  We don't have that capability, so we had to do large fillings.  That takes a lot longer than doing crowns.  Maddison was a champ to help assist the whole time.  She rocked it!  :)


During the procedure

Everyone is tired, but in good spirits.  2.5 hours into the procedure.  

right before we finished

HAPPY PATIENT!  She was very grateful and excited to go home and show here husband.  

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