Monday, August 1, 2016

Today, we had a lot of Pre-missionaries come in to the clinic.  Every week, we have a handful of young men or young women that come into the clinic getting ready to submit their mission papers to go serve for 18 months (young women) or 2 years (young men).  It's exciting to see their excitement and energy.  This picture above is of two full time Elders serving here in Tonga.  

Another patient that was a pre-missionary came in and we had a good talk while we were waiting for the x-ray unit.  She said that she lived in New Zealand for about 8 years with her family before coming back to Tonga.  I asked her why she lives here in Tonga now?  She said that she was making bad choices over in New Zealand and her parents decided to send her here to Tonga.  She came here, realized what she was doing was not good, corrected her ways, and now has a desire to go serve a mission.  She said that she was very selfish before, but knows now that she needs to go serve her fellowmen by serving a mission.  She is super excited and has a smile that is amazing!  I'm excited for her and for what she's going to do for the people that she'll be serving.

I came home for Dinner and found Ella munching on spaghetti noodles.  She was hungry, so she just got the noodles and starting eating her appetizer.  Braden thought it was a good idea and started crunching the noodles too.  We had a whole percussion section going with all the crunching going on.  The simple things are sometimes the most enjoyable.

We had a Tongan family join us for FHE tonight.  They are going to be baptized this Saturday into the church.  They came and sang a hymn for us.  I'm constantly amazed at how the Tongan people can harmonize so beautifully.  This was our last FHE with the Senior couple missionaries.  We will miss all of them.  They've been like parents and grandparents to our kids.

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