Wednesday, August 3, 2016

FULL DAY OF WORKING IN THE CLINIC.  We served in the clinic until about 6:00 again today.  Heidi assisted this morning.  She has become an awesome Assistant.  It's finally getting to the point where she is anticipating the next step without me asking.  It's awesome!  I told her that we're going to have to stay another 6 months now that she and the kids are trained.  Heidi has been so awesome this trip!  She is so patient, so giving, and just goes along with whatever comes.  She has made this experience so amazing for the whole family.  She is such a great woman!  

Tonight after work, we went to a local artist who does art with Tapa (crushed tree bark made into pieces of art).  He is incredible.  We went to his house to see what he had and to buy some of them.  His name is Tevita Pola'apau.  If you look at the sides of the picture, you can see some of his work.  These families sacrifice so much and work so hard.  There is about 20% of the Tongan population that do pretty good (humble in American standards) and the rest (80%) are very poor and live in very poor circumstances.  You've seen some of the pictures that we've posted in the past.  It's crazy!  There are a lot of people that don't even have electricity, plumbing, or a stove to cook on.    

The "girls" having some fun.  We love these gals!  

We are getting down to our last week in Tonga.  Heidi is rationing our food.  She says we have to eat less so it will last.  I think it's a conspiracy to help me lose more weight.  :)  Tonight, I wanted a snack and Heidi said the only snack we have is "ritz crackers".  The kids went nuts!  You would have thought it was Christmas.  Great snack right before bed time.  I think the kids will definitely enjoy what we have back home a lot more.  Tonga has helped all of us develop a better sense of gratitude for what we are given and the blessings we have back home.   

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