Monday, August 8, 2016

100 years ago is when the Tongan mission was formed.  This week is a huge celebration.  We are going to miss most of it because we are leaving tomorrow.  Originally, it was supposed to be in July, but they changed it to August after we arrived in Tonga.   Go figure.  :)  We were bummed, but we're glad we're here for part of it.  We worked in the clinic until about 1:30, and then we went to this celebration.  Today, they unveiled the monument that was built to commemorate the site where the Mormon missionaries came and had the 1st Mission Home (1916).  This little village decorated the streets and the homes for this celebration.  It's a huge deal for the Tongan people!  The King and Queen of Tonga were even here.  We were blessed enough to be part of the this great occasion.  The pictures down below are of the family during the celebration.  The crazy thing that happened was Braden (out of all people - we don't know how Braden gets these opportunities) was pulled by some people to take pictures with the Prime Minister of Tonga.  Crazy huh!  We didn't know where he was, and the next thing we know, one of the other Senior missionaries said, "Look, I got a picture of Braden with the Prime Minister and he got to shake his hand."  I'm surprised Braden didn't go up to the King himself and shake his hand.  That Kid!  :)

A JOURNEY OF FAITH.  That's what the sign behind us says.  The people of Tonga have some of the greatest faith we have ever seen.  They are so incredible and such good examples of Christ like love and service.  Amazing people!  We are going to miss them dearly!

We got to sit with the senior missionaries (front and center) to see the unveiling of the monument.  It was raining today, so they had tents set up for everyone.  

The monument is under the tent.  It had a covering around it.  The King was the one that they had do the unveiling.  It was great to see the King and Queen supporting this celebration.  Later this week, they will be eating with thousands of Latter Day Saints at Liahona.  They will have a huge feast and a cultural celebration.  The LDS youth have been working hard on the dances.  

The kids in front of the Tongan flag at the celebration.  We felt bad that we were not dressed in church attire, but I think the Tongans were OK with that.  Maybe, they just thought we were some crazy tourists checking things out.  I had one guy look at me from head to toe and just start laughing. I told him, "I know, I know....we feel terrible... we not showing respect."  He said, Oh, it's OK, don't worry about it.  You just look different, but you already look different, so it's OK.  :)

This is the monument.  It has the history written down on it about the 1st missionaries and some of the happenings at that time.

President and Sister Shumway.  He's been a huge part of the success of the church and helping out the Tongan people.  The King actually gave him an honorable name and they invite him to some of the royal activities.  He's done a lot and is very respected among the Tongans.  He served a mission here and later served as a Mission President.  One Tongan told me that he can speak better than most Tongans themselves.  He's written books on how to speak Tongan.  I'm sure it's pretty neat for them to see all this happening and to know that they've been a big part of spreading the Gospel to the Tongans.  He spoke at this celebration in Tongan.  The people said he was pretty incredible.  Of course, we cannot understand any of it, but just the looks on people's faces told that they respected him.  It's incredible to me how one man can have such an influence for so much good.  Isn't it great!

The Tupou family in front of the monument.  We have fallen in love with this family.  This is the Mission President that just got released about a month ago.  Logan has been hanging out with the two boys and have really formed a great friendship.  They got a picture of all the Mission Presidents that are here for the celebration.  There were about 15 Presidents and their wives that were there.  There are around 30 total Presidents and 15 of them are here.  It was cool to see them reminisce about their time serving here in Tonga.  They have had several gatherings (firesides) the past few days to talk about their experiences and how things have changed and grown.  Pretty Incredible! 

Here is Braden with the Prime Minister of Tonga!  We were talking to other people and before we knew it, a Senior missionary (Sister Waddup) said, "Look who Braden got to shake hands with."  We looked at the picture and said, "who's that?"  She said, "that's the prime minister."  He is the one that is standing to the right of Braden (the one with the red tie).  We just shook our heads, and said, "only Braden....."  The other men are people from the church and government officials.  Crazy kid!  

The whole program was great and the spirit was felt.  We didn't understand the Tongan language, but you could see and feel the spirit.  It was a treat to see the King and Queen be a part of the festivities as well.  Even though they are not LDS (mormons), they are very supportive of what we stand for and what our Church teaches.  In fact, their son (Prince Ata) was baptized last year into the LDS church.    He has been among the people of Tonga working and playing with them.  Nobles usually do not do that with the commoners.  He is being a great leader and tells them that he is no more important or special than what they are.  He wants to be treated like anyone else.  What a great example of a Prince!  We've seen him here on Liahona Campus playing with sports with other people.  Great man!


  1. Just wanted to say what a great journey you have taken all of us on. I have not mised one post and would of loved to comment more if they all wouldn't have doubled lol! I have fallen in love with your family! Your kids are awesome and in a way I feel like I know them. Thank you again for taking the time to bring us all with you. Safe travels and I'll see you in a few months.

  2. Just wanted to say what a great journey you have taken all of us on. I have not mised one post and would of loved to comment more if they all wouldn't have doubled lol! I have fallen in love with your family! Your kids are awesome and in a way I feel like I know them. Thank you again for taking the time to bring us all with you. Safe travels and I'll see you in a few months.
