Tuesday, July 19, 2016

THIS GROUP IS CALLED 5TH HARMONY.  5th Harmony is an American five-piece girl group formed on the second season of the the X Factor USA in July 2012.  They are here visiting Tonga.  Dinah Jane is the one from Tonga.  Heidi heard them singing here on Liahona campus one day.  We didn't know they were here until her Grandma stopped into the clinic to get some Dental Work done.  The picture down below is of her relatives that we helped out in the clinic.  Crazy huh!

Her Grandma is the far one on the right.  They were some fun people to meet in the office.  The rest of the work day was fillings and extractions.  The people were very grateful today!

We got done a little early today, so we decided to go to the temple and do some work with our kids (Logan and Makayla).  We went and had a great spiritual time.  I met a man working there in the temple.  He's a young man who is married and has three young kids.  He said that when he joined the church, his father and mother disowned him.  He was from the island of Vava'u.  After he joined, he had to come to Tongatapu and live with a friend until he went on a mission to New Zealand.  He said that during his mission, he was only able to call home twice a year (Mother's Day and Christmas) which is typical of a Mormon missionary.  BUT, his Mother and Father didn't want him to call home because they were against him becoming a member and serving a mission.  So, when those two times each year came, he called his home Ward Bishop and talked to him for 5 minutes of so.  He said it was so hard for him to not have his family support him, but he knew the church was true and couldn't deny it.  He's now a young father working in the Tongan temple.  He said years after his mission, his Mom and two of his siblings joined the church.  His father has since passed.  He is a living example of a pioneer that has gone through persecution for believing and living the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  There are so many amazing examples like that around here.  Incredible people!

We had 5 more butterflies hatch today.  These 5 were deformed for some reason.  Their wings had not fully formed so they were not able to fly.  Braden and Ella took them outside, turned them loose, and were trying to find food to feed them.  They were looking for flowers so the butterflies could eat.  Braden came into the apartment in tears because he was so worried about his little pets.  He said they were starving and he was trying to feed them, but they would not eat.  How sad, but a precious moment.  He kept picking them up and trying to help their wings fly.  Tender boy.

We found this creature tonight as we were getting ready for bed.  This is called a molokau.  It is a huge millipede capable of inflicting a nasty bite that stings like no other.  This creature was in the girls bedroom on the floor.  Makayla saw it and ran and got the poisonous spray and drenched it.  You do not mess with these guys.  They are the one creature here in Tonga that they say that if you mess with them, you will not win.  Crazy way to end the night.  The kids are scared to go to sleep now.  :)

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