Wednesday, July 27, 2016

FRESH COCONUT MILK THIS MORNING.  The girls got some fresh Coconut juice for Breakfast this morning.  Their friend got a machete and cut into the coconut for them and they brought it home. They thought it was pretty cool.  You see all sorts of people around the island carrying around machetes (young and old).  It's very safe here, but if you saw that in America, there would be some concern.  It's not every day you get to drink straight from the jug.  :)

Makayla having some coconut milk with her Cheerios.  She had to try it out too.

We had some awesome patients this morning.  We had several kids come in.  This little girl was so good and polite.  We told her to pick out a bracelet and she picked out three of them.  That's how good she was.  The kids here do pretty good.  We wish we had some nitrous to help treat the kids, but we do as much as we can with what we have.  

Braden having fun with the dish soap.  He's not getting too many dishes done, but he sure is having fun with the bubbles.  That's what kids do!  Leave it to Braden.  Also, Braden lost another tooth here in Tonga.  We were praying for lunch and he started crying during the prayer.  When the prayer was done, Heidi asked him what was wrong and he said that his tooth fell out during the prayer.  

Heidi reading some night-time stories to our little Ella.  She wanted "The Missing Tooth" book because Braden lost his tooth.   Funny girl!

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