Saturday, July 30, 2016

This morning, we went to the market place and did our shopping, but then we also went shopping for some souvenirs.  After shopping, I took Logan and Makayla snorkeling with Elder's Deacon and Elder Waddup.  Elder Deacon is considered the snorkeling expert among the missionaries.  He took us to a sweet spot on the island.  He said the conditions are only perfect about once every 3 months.  That was the case of today.  It was a perfect snorkeling day and we had a great time!  The coral was so alive with all sorts of creatures, fish, and marine life.  

Makayla really took to snorkeling.  She was diving deeper than any of us.  She was loving it!

Logan and Kayla having some fun.  Makayla is a great "poser".

Makayla and Dad diving along the coral shelf.

Some of the colors that the coral reef had.  Sorry, no pictures of the fish.  We got some great videos of them though.  We'll have to show those to ya.

This is a family that Elder Radmacher is helping out.  They are in a tough situation.  This house is barely held together by scrap metal, nails, and whatever material was available.  This family has 5 young kids and they live in this home.  Elder Radmacher asked us to come visit this family and help bring some food and help them financially to build a new home.  They need to be in a better situation.  There are so many families like this.  Our hearts go out to some of these people.  The parents work so hard and are doing their best to provide for their family.  

Their son (Solomon) was there to receive the food.  He didn't speak a lot of English, but you could see the gratitude on his face.  

This is the inside of their home.  5 kids and they live in this little tin shack.  Amazing people.  So little, but their faith is so strong.

The group of us that went and visited them.  The parents were over at their new property where they are being helped in building a new home.  You can see the excitement in their faces as they see their new home taking shape.  What a blessing this will be for their little family.

This is the where the outhouse will be.  Braden and Ella thought it was pretty cool to be down in the hole.  The kids were playing and laughing about being in the "potty" hole.

This is where the new home will be.  The foundation is being built right now.  The husband is doing everything himself right now.  They need funds for all the materials.  Elder Radmacher is asking all of us to donate what we can to help them build this new very modest home.

They will have electricity and plumbing for the first time.  They told us that they may have to wait until later to install a bathroom.  They'll use an outhouse for the time being.

PIZZA NIGHT with the Senior Missionaries.  Elder and Sister Killari owned a pizza place back in the states.  They made the dough, prepared all the toppings, and had each of us make a pizza.  We then took it home, baked it, and brought it back for a Pizza eating frenzy.  The kids were in HEAVEN.  I think all of us were in heaven.  It was very good.  We've only had pizza twice here in Tonga.  Not a common thing to find here on this island.  This is one dinner Ella will eat!  :)

Finished pizza ready to gobble.

Sunset tonight at Liahona.  We all will miss these sunsets.

All the pizzas baked and ready to eat.  Amazzzzzing!

Family pictures at the temple on our walk home.  We love the shadow pictures that we get at night here in Tonga.  This is the LDS temple right next door to where we live.  The five shadows are .......  maybe you can guess.  :)     Makayla, Braden, Maddison, Ella, and Logan.

Cool picture of the oldest three.  Let's see if you can see what they are trying to spell.  Give up?
CTR - Choose The Right.  Cool heh!

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