Monday, March 28, 2016

     The Barfuss Family - AKA - "Barfi" family.  I thought I would let you know a little bit about each of us before I start this blog.  It's important to know who we are, what we're like, and why we are doing what we are doing.  I have the best family EVER!
     I have been so blessed to be married to the most amazing woman.  Her name is Heidi and she is the most amazing person you would ever meet.  She is the mother to our 5 children and she has a deep passion for being a Mom.  Heidi has her RN degree, and could be working as a nurse, BUT, she chooses to stay home and be a Mother to our 5 children.  I have never seen a woman have so much passion and love for children as what Heidi does.  She is very selfless, works so hard, and is one of the most Christ-like people that I know.  She stays busy with our five kids and balances all the demands of what life brings.  She is an amazing person.  Your life would be enriched by having Heidi be a part of it.
     Logan is 15 years old and is a Freshman in High School.  He enjoys playing the violin and piano.  He loves to run cross-country, track, and in the winter, he loves to ski.  He just received his Eagle Scout.   He loves anything outdoors - biking, hiking, fishing, etc.  He has an interest in computers and technology.  In fact, whenever we have any "techno" question, he is the first one that we go to to help solve the problem.  He's a good kid and we're proud of who he is and what he's doing.
    Makayla is 13 years old and is in the 7th grade.  She has a passion for violin, piano, singing and is enjoying her musical talents.  She really loves to read all sorts of books and often, we'll find her with her nose buried deep into books.  She loves to run, loves to learn new things, and loves being a teenager.  She can have a "spazy" personality, but you have to know her well enough for her to bring it out.  She is a wonderful daughter and we are blessed to have her be a part of our family.
     Maddison is 11 years old and is in the 5th grade.  She is very out going and loves to meet new people.  At dinner time, she'll often tell us that she met a new friend at school (AGAIN).  When we're out doing things in Twin Falls, she will always see someone she knows and go up to them and give them a big hug.   She loves everyone!   She's very creative and loves to sew and make new creations.  Some things you can tell what they are and they look great ... and others, you have to use some imagination.  We love our little "Maddi".
     Braden is 8 years old and is in the 2nd grade.  He is big into sports and loves soccer and basketball.  He just started playing the piano and is enjoying it.  Lately, he has been reading "Harry Potter" series and loves it.  He can't stop talking about it.  He loves to learn new things all the time and he will tell us what he's learning.  I think he has a photographic memory (which can be dangerous).  He loves to swim and all the things we do as a family in the outdoors.  We're counting on Braden to help us out when we're old and forgetful.
     Ella is 4 years old and is doing pre-school.  She has a huge imagination and a fascination about princesses.  I swear she has about 10 different princess dresses that she wears ALL THE TIME.  Her favorite princess is Sleeping Beauty.  She has a wonderful smile and personality that would melt anyone's heart (I'm not just saying that because I'm her Dad either).  She is out little princess.

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