Monday, August 22, 2016

WEDNESDAY - 8-17-16 - KONA ON THE BIG ISLAND OF HAWAII.  SNORKELING.  SWIMMING WITH SEA TURTLES.  Today, we had to take ships from the cruise ship because Kona didn't have a port to take the ship into.  It's called "tendering".  Heidi got a picture of our ship as we were being transported to the shore.  We had an excursion planned for today, but it got cancelled.  So, we went ashore and got to choose a different adventure.  They had shuttles on the shore called - "Hop-on--Hop-off".  For a small fee, they would take you to a great snorkeling place, some historical sites, and a flee market.  It was a great way to see some sites and have an excursion for a minimal fee.

Heidi had to buy some glasses, so naturally, the kids had to try on all the pairs of glasses.  They had some fun doing it.  Some people were looking at us like we were crazy, but what are you going to do with 5 kids while their Mom is picking out some glasses.  Have some fun - that's what.  :)

Ella enjoying the black sand beach!

The whole trip, Maddison wanted to see a sea turtle.  This was the place we saw it.  Right off of the Kona beach shore at Kahaluu Beach Park.  The kids, Heidi, and I snorkeled there for a few hours and got to swim with some sea turtles.  It was an amazing experience and one that we didn't think we would have.  No-one else was around.  Just a few of us swimming with the turtles.  We followed it for about 20 minutes.  We knew that you have to stay about 10 feet away from them, so we tried to keep our distance.  The girls were diving right next to the Turtle as we were swimming.  After following the turtle for a while, we realized we were clear out by the surfers and we had to swim back to the bay area.  All the kids had a chance to see them.  That made the day!

Ella was content to stay on the black sand beach and play in the water.  

Braden loved the snorkeling.  He wanted to be like the big kids and go in deeper water.  We had to try to keep him in the safe places.  The other kids were in deeper water so we didn't get too many pictures with them.

After snorkeling, we went to a flea market and looked around for a little while.  This couple is from Tonga and he was selling some of his wood carvings.  There are quite a few Tongans here in the Hawaii islands.  A lot of them are really good wood carvers.  I talked with this couple for a little while about Tonga and their family that still lives there.  A lot of Tongans work in Hawaii or other places and send some of their earnings to family in Tonga. 

We tried to talk to these Parrots, but they wouldn't talk back.  So, we got a picture with them.

After a great day of playing, we went back to the ship and had dinner.  Ella took a bit of her apple said she was full, and devoured a brownie.  Yea, we're great parents!  Hey, we're on vacation now.  

The girls having some fun with the cones.

The Captain of the ship was eating pretty late as we were hanging around looking at some videos that Logan took on his go-pro.  We talked with him for a little bit and took a photo.  Great Captain!  He was very personable and took the time with the kids.  Great guy!

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